Jihadi Baddie Hosts Event in Parliament mdi-fullscreen

Sayeeda Warsi and a host of Labour MPs attended the unveiling of a ‘Muslim Manifesto’ yesterday at an event on the parliamentary estate. Did they know it was organised by an ‘Islamic extremist’ who has praised Al-Qaeda?

Azad Ali is the Head of Community Engagement at Mend, an ‘anti-Islamophobia think tank’ which met yesterday to demand a “review [of] all counter-terrorism legislation enacted since 2000”.

Ali has previously written of his “love” of Al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar Al-Awlaki and was suspended from his job at the Treasury after he attempted to justify the murder of British troops. He has also admitted attending speeches by Al-Qaeda hate preacher Abu Qatada. Ali has previously been described as an “Islamic extremist” by an eminent expert in the field. 

Earlier this week, Mend defended CAGE, the extremist group linked to Jihadi John, accusing the media of “an attempt to discredit” them. Their event in parliament, which Ali live-tweeted, was attended by left-wing Labour MPs Yasmin Qureshi, Gerald Kaufman, Kate Green and Andy Slaughter.

So was Baroness Warsi, who said their “Muslim Manifesto is something you can take to your election candidates”. 

Shadow Cabinet Office minister Jon Ashworth added: “I think this manifesto is really important and a great initiative. I will be studying it very carefully and I will be passing it on to our Shadow Cabinet”.

What was Azad Ali, a man who has professed his love for a senior Al-Qaeda leader, doing in the heart of parliament?

mdi-tag-outline Jihad Labour Party Tories
mdi-account-multiple-outline Azad Ali Jon Ashworth Sayeeda Warsi
mdi-timer March 5 2015 @ 17:28 mdi-share-variant mdi-twitter mdi-facebook mdi-whatsapp mdi-telegram mdi-linkedin mdi-email mdi-printer
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